You do not have to buy your uniform new. You can buy used from the Pack closet,
or Thrift stores.
Price information from the current Boy Scouts of America Retail Catalog.
Shop at
BSA Pack 421
Tiger Cubs: (1st. grade)
You wear the navy blue uniform,
with the Tiger neckerchief
Tiger Book
Wolf Cubs: (2nd. grade)
You wear the Navy Blue uniform
with the Wolf Neckerchief
Wolf Book
Bear Cubs: (3rd. grade)
You wear the Navy Blue uniform
with the Bear Neckerchief
Bear Book
All of the uniform shirts need insignia on them:
Council Shoulder Patch
Numbers (421)
World Crest
The Neckerchief slide is not required we make our own
Webelos: (4th. & 5th. grade)
You have the choice of either the Blue uniform or the Tan and Green. If you are just starting as
a Scout we recommend the Tan and Green. This is what you will wear when you cross to Boy Scouts.
Shoulder Loops Slacks Cap & Belt Neckerchief Book