Currently scheduled
Meet Cub Scout Pack 421
September 17, 2019, @ 6:15pm.
Kings Dominion camp out and Park
September 6-8 2019
Visit Shipyard Day
Saturday May 18, 2019
Family Camping
Newport News Park
Friday May 24, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Clean the Bay Day
Saturday June 1, 2019
Organization news
Pack 421 is currently looking for new members.
If you would like to find out what Cub Scouts do please bring a parent and vist us at The Shelter Church on a
Tuesday at 6:15pm. Please contact us for more information on the plan for the day you want to visit so we have enough resources on hand to include you.
We have earned the Gold
Journey to Excellence, the highest level a unit can earn for the past 10 years!
Pack 421 is an Elizabeth
River Project "River Star" for the years of 2007, and 2008 earned from our Environmental work. We earned "Model Level"
2009, and so far every year up to 2019.
Cub Scout Pack 421
was honored to recieve the Chesapeake Environmental Improvement Council's Youth Organization Award from 1999 to 2004,
with honorable mentions the following years. We are pleased to announce that we have again earned the award for
2011 and 2012. To view information on what
we did to earn the award previously please click here