The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated February 8, 1910, and
granted a Congressional Charter on June 15, 1916. The Scouting program was begun by Sir Baden Powell in England on January
24, 1908, and established in America with the help of Ernest Thompson Seton. The Tidewater Council of the B.S.A. was established
in 1911, it is the 5th oldest Council in America. Cub Scout Pack 421 is part of the Tidewater Council.
Cub Scouting
began as a place for the younger brothers of the Boy Scouts. A program to help get them ready to become a Boy Scout. That
is what we are still doing today!
Scouting: Fun with a Purpose. The Scouting program is designed
to achieve objectives in character development, citizenship training, mental and physical fitness. It guides it's members
to develop the character traits of; self-reliance, consideration of and service to others, personal courage, and above
all citizenship to Country, Community, School, and Family.
Q:What do Michael Jordan, Jamie Foxx, and George W. Bush have in common?
A: They were Cub Scouts in their youth.

Cub Scout Motto: Do your Best
Boy Scout Motto: Be Prepared
Boy Scout Slogan: Do a Good Turn Daily
Interesting Facts: Did you know that one out of four boys
who show an interest in Scouting will join, and three out of four business, and community leaders are former Scouts?
you know that the Girl Scouts were also began by Sir Baden Powell? This was a project in partnership with his sister, Agnes
Baden Powell. The Girl Guides became the Girl Scouts when Juliett Low started the program in America.
The word scout
comes from the French verb écouter which means "to listen".
Q: How are Microsoft, Walmart, and the Moon, alike?
A: They were all discovered by Boy Scouts! Bill Gates a Life Scout,
Sam Walton an Eagle Scout, and 11 of the 12 men who actually walked on the Moon were Boy Scouts. Neil Armstrong
the First man to walk on the moon is an Eagle Scout.