Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 421's site!
We serve the South Norfolk Community in Chesapeake Virginia. We now meet at The Shelter Church 2526 Rodgers
Street, on Tuesdays.
Most of our current information is on our Facebook page. Cub Scout Pack 421@421.scouts
This site will present our Pack goals and programs to the world. We also include specific information about
our organization and its adult leaders, so everyone knows about the people who make it all happen.
In this site, we'll
introduce ourselves. We'll also try to include a picture or two that represents the kind of work we do.
Please sign our guestbook to offer comments or request information about Scouting.
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We would like to picture you here!
Mission Statement
Cub Scout Pack 421's goal is to teach boys the three
C's; Character, Citizenship, and Conservation. We do this with lots of Community Service projects, and following the program
standards set by the National BSA Organization.
We hope that you find this site full of the Scouting information you were looking for.
We would like your comments and thoughts in our guest book, but we would love for you to tell your friends about us!